Why One?
Why ONE?
The world is calling for us experience oneness and unity in a bigger way. It is no longer acceptable for us to let the seeming barriers of different languages, cultures, races, genders, socio-economic backgrounds, and spiritual traditions allow us to separate ourselves from each other. In fact, I believe that all of these seeming differences are present in order for us to recognize that they aren’t true and that we belong with and to each other.
The question becomes how do I then treat you, how do I behave in the world, how do I make powerful decisions, understanding that we belong to each other?
I am calling this the Oneness Revolution, the revolution that happens through the force of our connectedness, and I believe that we are on the verge of an uprising of Spirit in the form of oneness.
But what must happen first is that we must release the need to feel justified and right in our opinions and positions and see that there is something that connects us all beneath everything that appears to separate us. For me, that has been a process of recognizing that all of the different labels that I identify myself with, be they teacher, counselor, wife, friend, daughter are all in service to something bigger going on as my life, and aren’t the meaning of my life in and of themselves. In other words, being a teacher is just one of the ways that Spirit shows up as me, and it is in service to a greater purpose that is internal not external. This understanding has allowed me to move my focus from the outside world—the world of effects and conditions—to the internal world that holds the space that is unbreakable, and unbroken that allows me to see connection and unity in all of life.
Not defining ourselves by what we do creates the space of awakening to the opportunity to be. Unfortunately, people in spiritual circles have defined being as an absence of action, which doesn’t resonate with that part of ourselves that chooses to have a active role in creating our realities. Instead of without action, for me, being is about potent action that creates powerful lasting change, because the impetus of it isn’t my own pain and discomfort, but instead a realization of connection and unity.
This is a Revolution that expresses that just because it has always been that way it need not remain that way, that believes in miracles and transformation, that believes that each individual can and does make a difference, and that knows that together we can and will create a world that works for everyone.
Blessings to you where ever you are on the path of the Oneness Revolution, may you find peace, love, wonder and amazement at the world we create together in our awakening.