Inner Engineering
I’ve been thinking about the plans we make in our lives, and how most of the time we are unaware that there is even choice available when determining our next move. We can become so conditioned to think that things must happen the way that they always have that we forget the power we have in the moment. We can get so caught up in getting things done, we don’t wonder what higher purpose those things serve. Often we speak of the process of life, while forgetting the Spiritual heart that process serves. An example of this is how we speak about the physical process of eating and elimination while ignoring the fact that our bodies are being nourished and sustained by the process. And this unawareness often leads us to make choices that don’t serve the ultimate purpose of allowing the body to do what the heart says. What then is the missing link? How do we keep in our conscious awareness the pathways between what needs to be “done” and what the Spiritual principles we wish to purposefully activate in our lives are. This is ultimately the question of who we need to “be” on this Spiritual Journey.
Join me on Sunday as we explore the the inner engineering of peace.
With Great Love,
Rev. Kylie Renner