My Prayer of Love

My prayer of love,
Lifts me high,
It heals me, sustains me, and sets me free.
There is only love. This love goes by many beautiful names, and all these names point back to love itself. This love is ever expanding and pours in and through all life, and flows powerfully through all of creation in new and creative ways. This love is the root of all things. 
I am caught in a torrential downpour of divine love and I am soaked by divine grace. I let it pour in and through me, drenching me with peace, clarity, freedom and grace. I am witness to this love expanding through me and through all of of life. This love soaks my life down to the very root of my being and is the source and supply of all of my good. Everywhere I go and in everything I do, I think and know I experience this love. This love is who I am, where I came from and where I am going.
I allow this love to pour in and through me, making itself known more powerfully through my recognition and honoring of it. I realize that this love is rooted deeply in an inexhaustible supply, so I let it flow out of me generously and abundantly because it can never be depleted. I recognize that my job is love. This is my only job, and so I let love guide the way and course out of me into the world. I draw my awareness and energy back from the distractions that I have given attention to that aren’t in service to this expanding love. I allow love to guide me to every place where I have built a barrier to it and I let love reveal to me how to transcend and heal with grace and ease for my greater good and for the greater good of life itself.
I allow gratitude to flow out of this deeply rooted love and I welcome this love that is called out of a deep recognition of my connection to all. I give thanks for the love that is and for the love that gets to be now through my willingness to let love and only love guide me. I am grateful that the roots of this love are forever deepening and that this love is ever expanding. 
I release my word into this love, knowing that it is doing its job through me wholly and completely. I let go. And so it is.